The duties of the office of the Secretary-Treasurer are laid out in the IATSE Local 720 Constitution and Bylaws. The expectations of duties to be performed can be slightly different. Here are some of the ways that David will endeavor to make a difference in executing the duties of the office of Secretary-Treasurer for the members of Local 720.


The Secretary-Treasurer has legal and ethical duties to act in the best interests of the members of Local 720. Working with budgets, watching expenses, and handling the investments of the members' money in the local treasury are all big responsibilities. With the help of the office staff at the Local 720 Hall, there are many bills to monitor, a building to take care of, investments to keep an eye on, and paperwork that needs to be filed with the government. In all of these manners of working with the members' money, the Secretary-Treasurer has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interest of the Local. This is especially important when considering the investments of the Local, and when it is time to invest in the Local.


The Secretary-Treasurer is one of the three officers that must sign all Local 720 Collective Bargaining Agreements. The Secretary-Treasurer must be willing and able to take part in bargaining sessions. I think that it would be an affront to the membership to refuse to be part of negotiations or to go to a session completely unaware of the bargaining that has already taken place. I pledge to be ready for any involvement in contract negotiations, as necessary.


Member service should be at the heart of the leader of the front office of Local 720. The Secretary-Treasurer oversees the staff that takes care of the day-to-day operations of the Union and the needs of the members. There should be an ever-present thought of "How am I serving the members?"

For example: When we started back to work many people saw problems and missing contributions to their annuity accounts, and reported these issues to me. I investigated my own contributions. So I found out how such problems could be fixed. Then I sent out the email giving everyone the information they need to make sure employers were paying into their Annuity Fund Accounts, and how to have the Annuity Fund track down missing money from employer contributions.

Instead of waiting for people to ask around or call the hall, direct information was given to members on how problems could be solved. With the members taking the necessary steps to solve problems and the staff of the Local working alongside them, the Annuity Fund office took extra steps to make sure our Annuity Fund checks were processed and accounts were brought up to date.


There is a wealth of information out there about our benefit plans and the organizations to which members of Local 720 belong. This information should be made readily available and easily accessible to help members make decisions and understand what is going on. Printed material should be available for people to read through. Pointers to digital information should be easy for people to find. Many people have been made aware of programs like The Actors Fund, now the Entertainment Community Fund, during the pandemic. They have always been open to everyone in the entertainment industry, including members of Local 720. We have organizations right here in town, like the United Labor Agency of Nevada (ULAN), that are here to help members and people in need.


As one of the primary officers of Local 720, the Secretary-Treasurer is seen by many people outside of the Local as a representative of the Sisters, Brothers, and Kin of Local 720. I know that representing you in our community, to other labor organizations, and to our sister Locals in the IATSE is a duty to be taken seriously. I pledge to be someone in whom you can feel confident about being your representative.


One of the primary duties of the Secretary-Treasurer is handling the official correspondence from the offices of the International to the members of Local 720. Another duty is sending the required offical reports to the General Secretary-Treasurer of the International. Both of these require good relationships with the officers of the International Alliance. I spent many years as I was touring working with and reporting to officers and representatives of the International Alliance. I will continue to build on those relationships and to build the necessary new relationships for the benefit of the members of Local 720. As a communicator for Local 720 I will do everything I can to maintain proper communications and relationships with the International Alliance.


It is important that the Secretary-Treasurer of Local 720 be someone who represents the members well. I have been lucky in my career to meet and work with officers of many different Locals across the Alliance. I was a Convention Delegate for Local 190 before coming to Local 720 and have experience representing an IATSE Local. I will extend the care and pride I have always brought to these situations to my role as Secretary-Treasurer, Convention Delegate by duty of office and representative of the members of Local 720.

David Weigant

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